Australia and the Asia-Pacific region
The human rights implications of Australia’s war on people smugglers
In May 2024, I submitted for examination my PhD dissertation titled, The human rights implications of Australia’s war on people smugglers. The study investigates the ‘evil people smuggler’ narrative which dominates Australian border politics and justifies militarised responses to people claiming asylum by boat. In doing so, it unearths an alternate system of punishment for non-citizens suspected of smuggling offences. I am currently waiting for the examiners’ response.
A peace movement in a land of never-ending war
In 2016, I travelled to Afghanistan as part of a small team of researchers commissioned by the Edmund Rice Centre to report on the safety of rejected asylum seekers returned to the country by the Australian government. As part of our assignment we spent time with a group of volunteers, a multi-ethnic community—somehow, I had stumbled upon a peace movement in Afghanistan.
Mexico and Central America
The Migrant Caravan
In October 2018, more than seven thousand people, mainly from Honduras, but also from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, formed what the media called a “migrant caravan” and marched to the US border. I joined the Exodus on its journey north.
Australia, Nauru, Manus Island and Indonesia
Australia’s Pacific Solution
In August 2012, the Australia Government reintroduced the notorious Pacific Solution; a policy of incarcerating people who attempt to seek refuge in Australia by boat in the Pacific Island prisons of Nauru and Manus.
These are my collated writings from Nauru and Manus prisons, Australian communities and the people seeking asylum who have been stranded in Indonesia.
Asia and the Middle East
The Displaced People of Asia
Asia is home to a number of source countries for refugees. This series is a collection of my photos, videos and writing covering migration and displacement throughout the continent, including the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, reporting and community work from conflict zones in Myanmar, IDP camps in Sri Lanka, and nomad groups in Iran.